Landscapes Nature

Flower Island


Ode to Madeira with a sea of ​​green, flowers, peace and characteristic farm.

Oil on linen, 40x80 cm, € 1400


Tropical Garden 


Oil on canvas, 60x40 cm, € 700



Brabant farm


    between Den Bosch and Vught

Acrylic on linen, 80x50 cm, € 900





The permanent movement of air, water and sand creates this moon-like dune landscape of Las Dunas de Mesapalomas on Gran Canaria.

          Acrylic on linen, 80x50 cm, € 900


Maison renovee


 in the village of Clessé in Burgundy

Oil on linen, 60x80 cm, €650




La Mancha


The granary in central Spain, known for the windmills that Don Quixote de La Mancha stormed.

Oil on canvas,  70x50 cm, € 950



End of beach day with sunset

Stoupa Pelopponesos

Acrylic paint on linen, 80x40 cm, € 850


Bumblebee in Madereise Geranium

These beautiful geraniums on Madeira are visited by a bumblebee, painted in such a way that you think you can feel its soft fur.

Oil on canvas, 60x80 cm, € 950




Part of the Veluwe nature reserve, centrally located in the Netherlands

Watercolour on watercolour paper,

64x48 cm, framed, €550



Oyster Mushroom

A mushroom that grows like an oyster on (dead) trees. The choice of color suggests a floating mushroom.

Acrylic on linen, 50x50 cm, €450



The St. Elisabeth flood in 1421 created a water-rich area with freshwater tides, creeks and willow flood forests. Now a National Park.

Oil on canvas, 60x50 cm, €850


Door de St. Elisabethsvloed in 1421 ontstaan waterrijk gebied met zoetwater getijden, kreken en wilgenvloedbossen. Nu een Nationaal park.

Olieverf op linnen,  60x50 cm, € 850



see Surreal

Sunset Torre de Benagalbon


After a storm on the beach at Torre de Benagalbon east of Malaga (Andalusia)

Oil on linen, 120x50x4 cm, € 1650




Calimero, the baby Lionfish


Now 2.5 cm and later the l0 times larger Lionfish feared by divers because of stings.

Acrylic on canvas, 60x60 cm, € 450